Most supermarkets sell big bags of coarsely chopped curly-leaf kale. I couldn’t have imagined such a product when I started writing fruit-and-vegetable cookbooks almost 20 years ago. Back then kale was only available in bundles, if at all.

For the most part, the chopped product is free of thick stems, but the occasional sturdy bit or two sneaks in. That little bit of stem isn’t worrisome.
Combine the deep green veg with cannellini beans and crumbled Italian sausage for a quickie one-dish meal. The cannellini beans, large white kidney beans, add a lovely starchy-sweet edge. The sausage? Use the sweet variety for the mildest taste or add spicy attitude with hot sausage.
I usually use a turkey sausage, some mild, some spicy.
Kale and Cannellini Beans with Crumbled Sausage
Yield: 4 main-course servings
8 ounces Italian sausage, bulk or casings removed, see cook’s notes
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
4 cups (large stems removed) coarsely chopped, washed curly kale
4 large garlic cloves, thinly sliced
1/2 cup water
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
One 15-ounce can cannellini beans, undrained
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
Cook’s notes: For a vegetarian version, omit sausage and add a good pinch of dried red pepper flakes along with the beans; garnish with chopped fresh basil. OR, substitute vegetarian chorizo for the sausage using 5 ounces and prepare as directed.
1. Put sausage in medium-sized skillet on medium-high heat. Break it up with a spatula, heating until sausage is thoroughly cooked and no pink color remains, about 4 to 5 minutes. Drain on paper towel and set aside.
2. Heat oil in large, deep skillet on medium-high heat. Add kale, garlic and 1/2 cup water; season with salt and pepper to taste. When liquid comes to a boil, cover and cook until kale is tender, about 10 minutes, tossing mixture two- or three-times during cooking.
3. Stir in beans, vinegar, and sausage; cook until beans are hot, about 2 minutes. Taste and adjust seasoning if needed. Serve in shallow bowls.
Source: “50 Best Plants on the Planet” by Cathy Thomas ($29.95, Chronicle)

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