

Pan-Fried Cauliflower Perfectly Spiced

Ah, the somewhat neutral taste of cauliflower – it’s a canvas for delicious add-ons. I love the attitude that toasted cumin and coriander bring to the party, along with paprika, cayenne and lime zest. Pan-Fried and finished with flavor pizzaz. Pan-Fried Cauliflower with Spices, Lime, and PistachiosYield: 6 servings 1 medium-large cauliflower, about 2 pounds1 teaspoon cumin seeds1 teaspoon coriander…

Candy Box Chocolate Cake – Valentine Love

Candy Box Chocolate Cake I’ve been writing about cooking, food trends and chefs for over three decades. Before that, I taught cooking classes, rounding up groups of culinary students to watch and listen as I prepared myriad concoctions. I conducted culinary tours to Europe and Asian long before culinary travel became “a thing,” and have written three cookbooks. Along the…

Cauliflower – Pan-Fried and Seasoned to Over-The-Moon Goodness

Beautifully browned and coated with flavorful spices, these florets can be turned into a irresistible vegetarian meal by serving them over a bed of cooked farro or pasta. America’s Test Kitchen explains that cutting the cauliflower into top-to-bottom planks and then into flat-sided florets, maximizes the surface area for plenty of flavorful browning. The cooking process starts in a covered…

Fuyu Persimmons Shine in a Spinach Salad With an Asian-Themed Dressing

Fuyu persimmons are the tomato shaped variety that are a beautiful orange hue. Because they are not astringent, they can be eaten when apple-like firm, or when slightly softened. They are generally available late September through December. I love to add them to a ginger-enriched spinach salad. First, I create some ginger juice to create an irresistible edge to the…

Toasted Quinoa For Breakfast – Trio with Yogurt and Fruit

Crunchy, tasty pizzazz = Tossed and toasted with agave syrup and oil. This recipe makes more of the crunchy quinoa topping than is used in the dish. The mixture can be thoroughly cooled and stored airtight up to 1 week at room temperature. Use it atop rice, baked apples or sliced stone fruit. Breakfast Bowls with Toasted Quinoa, Kiwi and…

Clafouti with Raspberry Sunshine

Something like a custardy baked pancake, clafouti is a French dessert that showcases fruit that is covered with a thick flan-like batter. Often dusted with powdered sugar, it’s served lukewarm or within 6 hours at room temperature. In this version, raspberries are the stars. Butter a 9-inch gratin dish. If you prefer, use a 9-inch cake pan. In a medium…

Hummus for Breakfast? Scrumptious!

After our interview, I tried cookbook author Mark Bittman’s recipe for Turkish Breakfast, a cinch-to-make hummus paired with sliced tomatoes, cucumber, olives and whole-wheat toast. I added a slab of watermelon and served it for a luscious eat-every-bite dinner. Better yet, I tried it for breakfast. Delicious. Much – so much – more flavor-packed than my lonely egg. Turkish BreakfastYield:…

Green Bean Shangri-La, Asian Sauce Gives Sweet-Sour-Spicy Personality

Green beans cooked to perfection, somewhere between hard and soft, are delicious tossed with a sauce made with Asian-style ingredients. Oyster-flavored sauce, that bottled oh-so-tangy condiment, adds umami to the mix. Mirin, rice vinegar and sugar balance out the flavors with sweetness. Toasted sesame seeds add a gentle crunch and welcome nuttiness. In Chinese restaurants, a version of this dish often…